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Just Look... Here! Recapturing the Royal Past
through postage stamps
Text: GM
December is the month in which we celebrate the King’s birthday, His Majesty turning 84 on 5th, which will be a public holiday. For more than six decades of his reign King Bhumipol, known to the Thai people as Nai Luang, has been working indefatigably for the country. Here are some of the collected stamps commemorating fulfillment of his duties during his many years.
This was a stamp made when the King was celebrating his fiftieth year on the throne, in 1996.
Collections of His Majesty the King in stamps of various colors and patterns.
This two-baht stamp reminds us of the King’s other talents, such as sculpting images of the Queen and the Buddha, as well as sailing - his favorite sport, in which he was an Olympic competitor - and so forth.
As a younger man, the king often went into the country to study the natural environment and both make maps of the terrain and devise methods of maintaining and improving it. He also planted trees as an example his subjects (some of them at least) have been quick to follow.
King Bhumipol has had a great interest in science since he was young. He has used his knowledge and practice of science, engineering and technology, to help develop the country. Here he is portrayed employing radio communication.
King Bhumipol is also a bookworm. He expresses his love for literature through a series of literature translations and his own writings. Phra Mahachanok is one of them, for which he also drew some illustrations himself.
Another stamp from 1997 portrayed his Majesty the King checking the signal system.
A majority of Thais are agriculturists, perhaps as many as 80 percent of the total population. The King having encouraged them to be rice-growers, the farmers call their Nai Luang ‘the agricultural king’.